
Create Telegram Bot

Step for Creating Telegram Bot

  1. Find @BotFather in Telegram

  2. Click Start

  3. Click command /newbot to create a new bot

  4. Enter name for your bot (Everyone will see) -> Enter username for the bot (must end with "bot")

  5. Done Create

Preparation for the bot:

  1. Copy the token for the bot

  2. If loss, can go for @BotFather, Type /token to get

  3. Navigate to the group that you want notify

  4. Add a new member call @RawDataBot to get the group id

  5. Copy the group id

  6. Can remove the @RawDataBot if you want

  7. Add the bot created just now into group

Step for setup the telegram bot in Chatkuai

  1. ChatkuAI -> Telegram -> "Add New telegram bot"

  2. Paste the Telegram Bot Token

  3. Add

Last updated

@ 2024 Mampu AI